Emily Karas is the new Director of Graduate Student Success in the Graduate School. Learn more about and her background and vision through the Q&A below.

Q: What would you like graduate students to know about you?

A: My name is Emily, and my pronouns are she/her. I am originally from Muncie, born and raised. I attended Butler University for undergrad and studied Secondary Education/English. I taught 8th grade English for ten years, four at a small junior/senior high school in Greencastle, IN, and then six here in town at Yorktown Middle School. I loved teaching, especially middle schoolers, but I was ready for a change. So, I enrolled at Ball State and earned a Master’s Degree in Student Affairs and Administration in Higher Education. During my Master’s program, I was a graduate assistant in Student Voluntary Services. I graduated from the program in July of 2018 and was hired on at Ball State’s Career Center that October. I spent five and a half years in the Career Center and just joined the Graduate School team in June.

Professional situation aside, I am a mom to three kids. My daughter is a 4th grader, and I have twin sons who are 2nd graders. They keep me very busy at home. I like to read, spend time with family and friends, and travel. My favorite travel destination is Perdido Key, Florida, but I have also been to England twice and would love to go back someday.

Q: What does your new job entail?

A: In a very brief sense – I will oversee the three student success programs: Pathways, GOLD, and Graduate Student Wellness Initiative. I will do all the planning, help facilitate and run programs, work with the Graduate Assistants and Program Directors, work with students to make sure that they are finding success both in the classroom and as rising professionals in their field.

Q: What drew you to the position?

A: I love working at Ball State and working with our incredible students, faculty, and staff. This position will give me an opportunity to work with graduate students, a population I have come to really enjoy, in a new and challenging way. It was a professional growth opportunity that I could not turn down.

Q: What are you excited to accomplish in your role?

A: I’m excited to work with graduate students so that they feel confident both academically and professionally. The Pathways Program offers opportunities for students to connect with a mentor, and I am excited to work with that program and see it grow. Mentors are so important and play a vital role in a student’s development (shoutout to Dr. Latz). With the GOLD Program, I am excited to work with folks from across campus to develop and facilitate engaging workshops designed around professional development. GSWI started after my graduate program ended, so I look forward being a part of programming that can benefit the physical, mental, & emotional health of our students. Most of all, I look forward to interacting and working with our graduate students so that they can go forth in the world and do amazing things.

Q: How can students get in touch with you?

A: Email: ekaras@bsu.edu

Phone: 765-285-4418

Office: West Quad 203B