West Quad Building | Graduate School office
Ball State has a number of resources for graduate students to help you succeed!
Academic Support Resources
The Pathways Program is an inclusive excellence program designed to support students from marginalized backgrounds. For more information contact the program coordinator, Dr. Robin Phelps-Ward, at rjphelpsward@bsu.edu.
The ASPIRE research grant program has a fund designed just to support graduate students’ research and creative projects. Graduate students can apply for up to $700 for research support and supplies. For more information contact aspire@bsu.edu.
The ASPIRE travel grant program also has funding just for graduate students, to fund up to $700 in travel to present works at professional meetings, or to preform or exhibit creative works. For more information contact aspire@bsu.edu.
The Writing Center offers both regular assistance with writing through in-person appointments and a digital writing studio (for assistance with how to create digital projects). It also offers a writing boot camp just for graduate students, called A Write Start, which is a free mini retreat that can give you the time and direction to work on that big research project you are struggling to finish (or start!). A Write Start will be held March 17 & 18. The registration link will be available soon! An all-digital version of this mini-retreat called “Write On!” has also been launched.
The Library provides extensive resources for graduate students, including a comprehensive thesis research workshop available throughout the year. The “ask a librarian” function is an easy online way to get started finding the resources needed for your research. A “personal librarian” program is also available for all graduate students. Questions about the “personal librarian” program can be directed to the library. The library’s phone number is 285-5143. Your “librarian” can be your first-stop contact for any questions or needs for assistance regarding research and the libraries! Scroll down their website for the many good links and their events calendar. Some truly comprehensive help is offered in all varieties of research.
You can utilize the Research Design Studio if you are trying to figure out the best methods, design, and statistics for your big project. A group of researchers, students, and educators can assist you with research design, grant development, and research mentoring. You can ask for a free consultation about your project at any time.
The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) oversees our campus Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB handles all human subjects research (HSR) protections and reviews all HSR study applications. If you aren’t certain how to get started with getting assistance with your IRB Project Application, this is a good place to start. They even have graduate assistant peer mentoring hours, allowing you to speak to another graduate student who is an expert in this area. ORI also handles many other areas of research support, such as the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). For more information, check out the website above or email orihelp@bsu.edu.
Your graduate program advisor is a good person to help answer questions about course plans and other program specifics.
Health and Wellness Resources
The Graduate Student Wellness Initiative has events and workshops throughout the year to help students with their overall wellness. For more information contact the GSWI team at gradwellness@bsu.edu.
There is a health insurance navigator for students. Our Human Resources department has a health insurance navigator to help graduate students locate insurance through the Affordable Care Act or other programs. Any graduate students needing assistance should contact Tony Nefouse of Nefouse & Associates either by phone (317-803-4220 Ext. 113 or toll-free 800-846-8615) or by email (tnefouse@nefouse.com).
Open Door is a local low-cost health services provider for those living in and close to Muncie, Indiana. They have a sliding pay scale for patients with and without insurance. Services include medical, dental, behavioral health, family planning, and WIC. They also have insurance navigators to assist patients accessing the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Any student taking at least one on-campus course at Ball State will be automatically assessed a $75 fee that gives them full access to the Health Center. The Health Center provides ambulatory care for currently enrolled sick or injured students, and includes a pharmacy and Women’s Center, as well as a physical therapy unit. We recommend you examine their comprehensive services closely, as this is a great place to start handling any medical concern if you are taking at least one on-campus class. If you are in the area and can travel to campus, you can also request to be assessed the $75 fee via a phone call to the Health Center at 765-285-8431. They will then make an appointment and see you as a patient.
The Counseling Center offers free confidential psychological and career resources to all Ball State students living in the state of Indiana. The center offers a variety of comprehensive mental health services. The “Let’s Talk” program offers one-time appointments with a staff person at the center. The center also provides a variety of Outreach programs and consultation if you have concerns about a friend or peer. They also have a fantastic and comprehensive assortment of YouTube videos that you can use as you consider the best pathway to mental wellness for yourself.
The SNAP program provides nutrition benefits to supplement a food budget. The average one-person household has a maximum SNAP allotment of $194 in Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT). You can use SNAP like cash to buy food items at any store, supermarket or co-op approved by the USDA. Items that can be purchased with SNAP benefits include breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meats, fish and poultry, and dairy products. Once you are determined eligible for SNAP, you will receive a “Hoosier Works” card with your EBT. The Hoosier Works Card works like a bank debit card, and Indiana cardholders can use their Hoosier Works card at any store in the United States that accepts food assistance. Currently, there is a temporary extension of eligibility for SNAP benefits that includes graduate students. Please visit here for more information on eligibility and applying for SNAP benefits.
The Basic Needs Hub is a virtual center for on and off-campus resources available to students experiencing basic needs insecurity. Explore all the resources available through the online hub on your own and in a way that best meets your needs. You can reach out to a supportive staff member who will honor your privacy while offering assistance. The hub includes resources information on food security, housing support, and financial and wellness resources.
The Office of Health Promotion and Advocacy offers a variety of resources and services on Health Promotion and Survivor Services, including HIV testing and Counseling, a resource room, the Condom Shoppe, peer health and sex education, and outreach programming. They also provide Victim Advocacy, where a Victim Advocate provides nonjudgmental confidential support to student survivors of gender-based violence.
The Recreation Services at Ball State offer healthy programming for on-campus students, including virtual programming. Services include fitness classes and equipment check out, as well as trips and clinics as part of Outdoor Pursuits.
The Academic Anxiety Resource Center (AARC) is located at Ball State and has resources to support those experiencing anxiety in an academic setting.
The Cardinal Closet is an one-stop shop for all professional attire needs. Cardinal Closet is available through an appointment or open hours. Visit their website for more information about the hours or to schedule an appointment.
If you have questions you may reach out to the Graduate School office. We are here to support graduate students.