Post with Disability Services photos that says "Save the Date - One Ball State Day - April 2"

Get excited! One Ball State Day is coming up on April 2nd and we cannot wait to celebrate with you!

As you may know, the role of Disability Services (DS) is to coordinate services and accommodations for students with disabilities. We are currently assisting an ever-growing number of students, with approximately 4,374 students registered this year. We want to continue our long-standing tradition of accessibility and remain a university that is committed to accommodating students with all types of disabilities.

In addition to coordinating accommodations for our growing student population, Disability Services also strives to provide strong programming to help students develop important skills to facilitate life-long success, such as speakers and events hosted during Disability Awareness Month in March. Contributions to the Harris Fund via One Ball State Day gifts make this work possible! Two of our more sizable projects are our Faculty Mentorship Program and our new Summer Bridge Program. We hope you will stay tuned for more One Ball State Day info!

Stay updated for this and other future Disability Services events by following us on Facebook at and Instagram @ballstateds!