Where is your hometown?
Bluffton, IN

Where did you obtain your bachelor’s, and what were your major(s)?
Ball State, Psychological Science

What first interested you in psychology?
I have always been good at listening and giving advice, then Dr. Truelove’s class really shaped what I think about psychology and got me to fall in love with it!

Why did you choose Ball State?
I loved my undergraduate here and it has a proven track record for shaping young counselors

What do you think of your experience at Ball State as an MA student so far?
It is tough! A lot of time management skills have to be improved!

What are your future and career goals?
I would love to become an adolescent and marriage and family/relationship counselor!

What are a few of your favorite hobbies?
I really like to play basketball and golf

What food could you not live without?
My mom’s Stromboli, it is the best I have ever had!

What is your favorite TV show currently? The Chosen

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I love to talk about anything! I am an open book with anything and love talking to as many people as possible!

If you could have dinner with any historic figure, who would it be and why?
Jesus Christ as I would love just to have a conversation with my Lord and Savior and thank Him for all that He has done. I think it would be the coolest thing to have a conversation with such an amazing, prominent figure in the world. He would have so many insights on so many topics, especially on ethics!