Master’s student Josie Haynes got engaged to Austin in October 2023 and are set to get married in October 2025.

Josie Haynes Engagement
Current doctoral student, Julian Sanchez, was selected for the Class of 2025 Indiana AHEC Scholars Program. This competitive program is designed for individuals for possess a strong drive to provide care to those living in rural and medically underserved communities in Indiana.
Master’s alum Sasa Vann Rubino is currently on Internship at the University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center, the final phase of her doctoral program in Counseling Psychology. She defended her dissertation, Liberated Pregnancy: A Black Feminist Thought Analysis, in November of 2023. In the fall of 2024, she will start at the Stony Brook University Consortium Postdoctoral Fellowship Program as a clinical postdoctoral fellow in the Krasner Psychological Center and the Mind Body Clinical Research Center.

Olivia New and husband.
Master’s alum, Olivia New, got married in February 2023. She is currently in her third year at Spring field College in the PsyD Counseling program and collecting data for her dissertation.
Master’s and doctoral alum, Amanda Cleveland was named to the Board of Psychologists for the state of South Carolina.
Doctoral alum, Alicia Key was named to the Board of Psychologists for the state of New Hampshire.
Master’s and doctoral alum, Emily Barnum completed her board certification in counseling psychology in October 2023.

Dr. Kay Webb
Doctoral alum, Kay Webb, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc., with its headquarters in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Doctoral alum, Rosalyn Davis, is a clinical faculty at IU Kokomo and is a new fellow of the Midwestern Psychological Association. She will be introduced as a Fellow at the conference this spring.
Dr. Dixon, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Dept. of Counseling Psychology & Guidance Services (now Counseling Psych, Social Psych & Counseling) passed away on February 19, 2024. Here is his obituary: