Vertical Jump Contender

On August 21st, The College of Health held a special event outside the Health Professions Building, themed the Wellness Olympics. With the Paris Olympics concluding, we wanted to give students the opportunity to find out if their health is a gold medalist. Students could participate in: reaction time, grip strength, memory game, balance, and vertical jump. Students were able to compete in these interactive events and having the chance to act as an Olympian.

Grip Strength Contender

Along with the Wellness Olympics, we had a health fair showcasing the College of Health Interprofessional Community Clinic disciplines of Speech Pathology, Audiology, Healthy Lifestyle Center, Counseling Psychology plus bonus activities with East Central Indiana Area Health Education Center and the Ball State University School of Nursing. This event hosts each clinic and center in ICC and has interactive information for students passing by. This year, their goal was to make it more attractive for students so they could learn more about what ICC does for campus and the Muncie community.

Video Otoscopy

At the event, The Audiology Department had a video otoscopy, where students could take a look inside their ear and learn more about what’s inside. The Healthy Lifestyle Center had drunk goggles students wore and a coned path they had to walk to see how they would walk if they were intoxicated.

The Counseling Practicum had information about student mental health and resources to turn to if help was needed. Lastly, the Speech Pathology Clinic had interactive kid’s games used in certain scenarios.

The College of Health and Interpersonal Community Clinic had a great turnout this year, it’s a great reminder for students to prioritize their health and well-being while being in school. The event also served as a way to connect with students interested in health services!

The Winners of the Olympics, after all scores were tabulated are:

  • Reaction Time: Luke Pryor
  • Grip Strength: Coletone Kadinger
  • Visual Memory: Gabriel Tankersley
  • Balance: Alex May
  • Vertical Jump: Coleton Kadinger
  • Overall Winner: Coleton Kadinger

Balance Game Contender

Reaction Time Contender

Memory Game Contender

Drunk Goggle Activity