Barb Irvin
We are pleased to announce Barbara Irvin as the recipient of the Outstanding Staff Award. Ms. Irvin demonstrates administrative excellence through incredible time management, problem solving skills, organizational abilities, and communication. Barb’s faculty and staff nominators consistently commented on her kindness and empathy regardless of situation or workload. One nominator mentions “Barb has a smile and friendly comment for anyone who walks into her office, and will stop to chat or answer questions even when she is quite busy.” Students note her amazing skillset as a mentor, supervisor, and role-model. Barb is also known to extend work beyond her formal duties. Barb has helped her department successfully navigate staff changes and transitions at multiple points over the past few years and she even jointly held both the positions of Administrative Coordinator and Admissions Coordinator for a period. Barb’s presence and dedication have clearly had a profound impact on faculty, staff, and students over the 13 years that she has served her department.

Justin Tobyas
We are pleased to announce Dr. Justin Tobyas as the recipient of the Outstanding Professional Award. Dr. Tobyas’ work creates meaningful experiences for College of Health students, much needed services for community members, and additional tools for faculty and staff to use in the training of our future health professionals. Dr. Tobyas has quickly moved the College’s interprofessional education (IPE) mission forward by engaging students and employees in meaningful discussions through his IPE pop-up tables, “IPE Movie Nights,” invited speaker presentations, and new trainings that cross over multiple health disciplines. Dr. Tobyas embodies a servant leader through his director role within our Health Lifestyle Center. He demonstrates to our students how to prepare and interact with community members through training but more importantly through his attendance at one of the many outreach programs and events that his team has created this past year. One of his nominators commented, “Justin is collaborative on all levels. He always has a mind on accomplishing the task at hand with seemingly little regard to any professional recognition or praise.”

Shannon Powers
We are pleased to announce Dr. Shannon Powers as the recipient of the Outstanding Non-Tenure-Line Faculty Award. Dr. Powers demonstrates a unique and highly effective ability to combine education with community engagement. Dr. Powers’ well known Cardinal Wellness Program has delivered free community-based exercise and nutrition programs, which are facilitated by Ball State students, to community members since 2017. Dr. Powers has sustained this program, engaged more College of Health students each year, and she has built it into a multi-phase health and wellness offering that now reaches the corners of Delaware County, as well as Jay and Blackford Counties. Dr. Powers also serves her community through roles as Vice President of the City Muncie Parks and Recreation Board, a member of the Leadership Advisory Committee for the Delaware County Extension Office, as a liaison for the Muncie Boys and Girls Club, and as a consultant for the Whitely Community Council. Finally, and without receiving assigned time to conduct research, Dr. Powers still manages to be a highly productive scholar with 12 refereed publications, more than 20 conference presentations, and over $100,000 in grant funding.

Matthew Harber
We are pleased to announce Dr. Matthew Harber as the recipient of the Outstanding Tenure-Line Faculty Award. Dr. Harber is deserving of this recognition as he demonstrates excellence in scholarship and a commitment to mentoring students. Dr. Harber consistently engages students in the research process and through his guidance, many students have gone on to present posters at regional and national conferences. Dr. Harber has a passion for improving the health and well-being of our community. His leadership in directing the Adult Physical Fitness Program has provided members of our community with an exercise center offering individualized support from graduate students under Dr. Harber’s supervision. To quote one of Dr. Harber’s nominators, “Dr. Harber provides excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, Service to students and Service to the community in tangible and lasting ways.”