Experience Ball State Day, is a time for prospective students to visit campus and learn more about course and class offerings and get a feel for what it is like to be a Ball State student.
On Friday, July 21st, the CoH team comprising of Mr. Nick Atlas, Director of Student Services; Professor Teresa McClain from Speech Pathology and Audiology, and Dr. Jay Kandiah, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, hosted two sessions of mock classes, 10:15 -11:15 a.m. had 54 students, and the afternoon session, from 1-2 p.m. had 38 students. Each course session included two case studies.

  • Janet, age 67, suffered a stroke two weeks ago.
    Issues from stroke: paralysis on right side impacting walking, writing, swallowing, and speaking. Janet is diabetic, has a hearing loss, and requires a modified (soft) diet. She is in a rehabilitation center receiving therapy for her deficits.
  • Conner, age 16, sustained a concussion during a soccer game.
    His symptoms include sensitivity to light, headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, and concentration problems.

Our simulation experts, Becky Fights, Rachelle Fuller, Britain Bryant, and Chris Davis, assisted students in their interactions with the manikins, helping them, hear heartbeats, take pulses, and witness the symptoms in each case, which included, coughing, breathing, and or vomiting. The high school students were able to discuss which healthcare professional might help these patients with their individual health conditions, such as nurses, respiratory therapists, dieticians, speech pathologists & more. Simulations like this one, showcase healthcare technology to prospective students and introduce the concept of Interprofessional Education and Practice, as we consider a variety of practitioners practicing in a hospital care setting all helping the same patient.

The entire group of students had a fun experience interacting with clinical simulation manikins. We hope to see them back in our building soon as future healthcare professionals.