Welcome to CCIM Class Spotlight, a new content series that explores the variety of classes offered across our college—from our signature courses to our newest class offering. In this blog post, Associate Lecturer of Communication Studies Kendra Mann talks about a new course she will teach this Summer and Fall titled “Communication & Technology”.

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What is the class about?

This class will focus on the way we communicate using technology and its role in working virtually within an organization, developing online identities, maintaining interpersonal relationships, and creating social change and influence. Special emphasis will be placed on the emergent need for communication technology during a global pandemic.

Could you describe the light bulb moment that led your department to create this course?

Our department strives to offer courses that reflect current research trends within the field of communication studies, so this class has been on the docket for some time. The pandemic has made the topic of this course even more relevant as we are seeing a shift in how we communicate in the workplace and in our everyday life.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I want all students to feel empowered to make decisions in my classes. I try to give them the resources to succeed and serve as a metaphorical cheerleader that roots for them from the sidelines. Students are seen as individuals with their own unique educational needs and strengths that they bring to a project.

What teaching methodology will you use for this class

I’m a big fan of project-based learning. This teaches students to put their learning into action and closely resembles what work will be like after they graduate. I think it’s important for students to gain experience and understand what strengths they can bring to a future team.

What are your learning objectives?

  • Leverage existing digital technologies to solve problems, complete tasks,
  • Apply basic knowledge of concepts, theories, and research related to communication and technology to contemporary problems and personal experiences,
  • Identify and discuss the effects of technology use within various contexts,
  • Discuss managing online presence through social media applications.
  • Create and record presentations using contemporary techniques and tools, and
  • Compose informative writing, including proper organization, adherence to grammar and spelling rules, source integration and APA citation.

What material will be studied in class?

Students will learn through examining contemporary research, social media, case studies, personal experience and self-reflection.

How will students be evaluated?

I use holistic rubrics for grading assignments and projects. I make overview videos of all assignments and make sure objectives and grading criteria are clear upfront.

Finish the sentence: You will do well in this class if you…

Show interest and fully engage with the content.

Is there anything else you would like to add on this course?

Communication and Technology is being offered this summer in a 5-week, online format as a special topics course (COMM 333) in first summer session. It will officially be in the catalog for fall as COMM 315 (8-week, online course).

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Interested in joining the class?

  • Speak to your academic advisor or follow the course registration process outlined here and look up COMM 333 (Summer 2021) or COMM 315 (Fall 2021).
  • For more information, please contact Kendra Mann at kmann@bsu.edu.


Kendra Man headshotKendra Mann is an Associate Lecturer of Communication Studies. In addition to teaching, she assists students with academic planning and serves as a supportive mentor to her advisees. Her research interests are in the area of instructional communication, specifically focusing on immediacy building in an online learning environment. As the COMM Club advisor, she works with students to create opportunities for professional development and community engagement for Comm. Studies majors. In her leisure time, she enjoys playing with her two children, home improvement projects, painting landscapes, and binge-watching fantasy dramas.